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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good Deals this Week

Lay Chips 1.88 at Harmons
Gala Apples 1.00 ib at Harmons
16 oz marshmallows $.69 at Maceys
General Mills Asst. Cereals/Fruit Snacks 1.50 with in ad coupon
Assort Fruit 15 oz Healthy Kids $.50 a can at Big Lots (If anyone goes there and gets it let me know because I am wondering if it is good fruit.)

***Walmart does price match

1 comment:

Kristin Gardner said...

So, I stopped by Big Lots on 90th and 40th to check out the canned fruit and they of course were sold out! I was bummed! I did check the dates on some of the other fruit that they had there and it was good until 2010. So it would be a great deal if you could actually find a Big Lots that still had some left.